Protect Yourself From Winter Storms With Home Insurance

Winter storms can inflict severe damage on your home. Damage can range from falling branches caused by ice buildup to wind damage that can uproot trees completely. It’s challenging to prevent this entirely. However, we at Linda Dugan Insurance, servicing Astoria, OR, are here to help. We offer home insurance to assist you during recovery from winter storms. Here’s what you need to be aware of.

Ensure Your Home Insurance Is Up-to-date

Before the winter storm season begins, contact your insurance agent to ensure your home insurance policy is up-to-date. Adequate insurance is crucial so you can make any necessary repairs or even replace your home should it be destroyed. If you’re uncertain about whether your coverage is sufficient, your insurance agent can provide guidance. Don’t hesitate to call and review your coverage amounts and decide if it’s adequate.

Know What to Do If You Have a Claim

If you need to make a claim on your home insurance, contact your insurance agent before starting any repair work. They can guide you through the claim process. Remember to save receipts and be prepared to complete a few forms. Act promptly!

Take Steps to Protect Your Home from Storms

One measure to protect your home from winter storms is storing away your garden furniture and doing a thorough check on trees within your property. Are there any damaged branches that might fall during a storm? Is any tree showing signs of disease? Should any trees be removed? Proper tree maintenance can considerably reduce the potential for property damage.

For any queries about how home insurance can assist you this winter, get in touch with your insurance agent at Linda Dugan Insurance, servicing Astoria, OR. Reach out today to learn more.