Commercial auto insurance can offer a great deal of protection if one of your company’s vehicles is involved in an accident. However, even a comprehensive insurance policy won’t cover any items you’re transporting in your vehicle. If you regularly transport items as part of your line of work, you’ll want to get inland marine insurance coverage to ensure these items are fully covered. There are multiple policy types to pick from, allowing Astoria, OR business owners to find the best coverage for their company.
Contractor’s Equipment Insurance
This type of insurance is for any contractor who transports valuable tools, equipment, and machinery to and from job sites. It can cover loss, damage, and theft while items are in transit and at a job site.
Bailee Insurance
Bailee insurance is designed for service companies transporting valuable customer property from one location to another. It can provide coverage if a customer’s property is lost, damaged, or stolen while in transit. Firms that may want to consider bailee insurance include dry cleaners, movers, and computer repair services.
Insurance for Valuable Items
Museums, art dealers, and collectors who are transporting valuable artwork or exhibits may want to purchase exhibition and fine art coverage before moving valuable items. Jewelers who need to transport precious metals, jewels, and jewelry to and from storage or who deliver items to customers should purchase jewelry block insurance.
Contact Linda Dugan Insurance for More Information
Linda Dugan Insurance offers a range of commercial insurance policies for Astoria, OR business owners in all industries. Our team can also provide expert advice to help you pick the policy that best meets your needs. Call us today for more information or to get price quotes.