Am I Protected Against A Sinking Foundation In Oregon?

Oregon is a beautiful state in the Pacific Southwest. There are homes along the ocean, the mountains, and throughout the vineyards, as well as in major cities such as Portland and Astoria. Whatever it is that you wish to do, you will find it in the state – and it has become a popular destination in recent years.

When you purchase homeowners insurance, it’s important to look at what you are and are not protected against.

A sinking foundation can be one of the worst things. Shifts in the land can cause your foundation to sink – and when this happens, it can crack and lead to various problems within your home. Even your porch can be affected.

Your foundation may be covered within your homeowner’s insurance policy, but it’s not a given. Your policy may already cover against:

– Fire

– Flood

– Theft

However, if you want it to cover a sinking porch or foundation problems, you have to read the fine print. One of our insurance agents in Oregon can walk you through the process of looking at coverage and determine if you have the necessary coverage within your policy – and add the option if you don’t.

By having the needed coverage, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home is always protected. This way, if you experience an issue with your home in Oregon, you simply have to place a call to the homeowner’s insurance company and file a claim. They can then authorize an inspection and help you to make the repairs – without asking for more than a deductible from you.

Contact us today and begin working with an agent. We can obtain multiple quotes for you and ensure you are protected against all that could go wrong to your home.

The Best Car Insurance From the Best Agents in Astoria, Oregon

For car insurance quotes in Astoria, you can become an anonymous policy holder of a super sized insurance company whose agents come and go, or you can come with us and the small town flavor of our full-time independent insurance agency right here in Astoria. When you opt for us, you’re choosing independent insurance agents who can show you much more than one single policy from one single huge insurance company. We’ll show you many different options from many different insurers. You can pick and choose our best quotes and our best car insurance.

If you’re going to operate a motor vehicle in Oregon, you’re required to be financially responsible. You’re required to carry liability coverage in the amount of $25,000 per person, $50,000 per occurrence with $20,000 in property damage. You’re also required to carry personal injury protection of $15,000 per person and uninsured motorist insurance in the same amounts of minimum liability coverage.

Although carrying the minimum coverage puts you in statutory compliance, it’s still not sufficient coverage for the 21st century. Whether a serious accident is your fault or the fault of an uninsured or underinsured driver, you could still be facing significant deficiencies in coverage and shocking medical bills that you’re responsible for.

The super sized insurer’s agent can’t offer nearly as many alternatives as we can because we’re independent insurance agents. The others only work for only one company. As independent insurance agents, we work with many companies, and that permits us to give unbiased insurance advice with a wide range of alternatives and quotes. If you’re in or around Zip Code 97103, talk to us. We’re independent agents, and we’re here to serve your best interests. You’ll be doing yourself a favor.

What are Four Things to Keep in Mind When Driving with a Learner’s Permit?

When it comes to driving with a learners permit, there are various rules and stipulations that must be adhered to, with each of them varying from one state to the next. In Oregon, the rules are fairly straightforward, and it is imperative that they be followed at all times. If they are not, this could disqualify a person from obtaining an actual driver’s license on the soonest date possible. In fact, a learners permit can be taken away for a certain period of time, and then the entire process of getting the permit and driver’s license would have to be started all over again.

Driving Restrictions

At all times when driving with a learners permit, you must have a passenger in the car with you that has a valid driver’s license, is at least 21-years-old and is sitting in the seat next to you. This person must have had their license for at least three years as well.

No Use of Mobile Devices

Do keep in mind that at no time are you allowed to use a mobile communication device while driving with a learners permit. Hands-free devices are not allowed either.

Provisional Driver License

Once you have had your learners permit for at least six months, you’ll then be issued another type of learners permit called a provisional license.

Restrictions on Provisional Driver License

You can have as many passengers in the vehicle with you as you want, but one of them has to be at least 21-years-old, and this person must be in the passenger seat next to you.

To fully understand the ins-and-outs of the rules you must follow while driving with any type of learners permit, it’s highly advised to contact one of our professional car insurance agents today.

Certified Umbrella Insurance Agents in Astoria, OR

There are many individual insurance policies that protect aspects of your life such as your house and car. These insurance policies have a liability portion that protects you from being financially responsible for incidents that are considered your fault, or occur on your property. The liability limits created by these policies depend on the type of insurance you have and several other factors with the policy. It’s possible that the liability limits are not sufficient for the lawsuit that is being put against you. This is particularly true in situations where wrongful death has occurred. Instead of running through your liability limits and having a personal financial impact shape your future, look into personal umbrella insurance.

Umbrella insurance refers to an insurance option that provides additional liability coverage for house and auto insurance. If you run through the limits on your own insurance, the umbrella portion kicks in and covers the rest. This is particularly useful if you have a tragedy occur in a car accident or with your pool or another structure on your property.

When you are setting up personal umbrella insurance, you want to look at the liability perils that it covers. These perils specify exactly what type of claims apply to this insurance option. You don’t want to be in the middle of a lawsuit to discover that your insurance isn’t going to pay the damaged party. That kind of issue leads to bankruptcy and other financial issues in the long run.

Talk to our certified umbrella insurance agents in Astoria, OR to find out the best umbrella options for your life and policies. It’s one of the best ways to keep yourself safe.

Buy Cheap Commercial Insurance in Astoria, OR

Commercial insurance is necessary to keep you in business, since plenty of people are likely to speak up about a company, compared to an individual, if they get hurt on your property or by your products, or if they incur losses due to an error or omission on your part. Finding the best and cheapest commercial insurance products requires a bit of time and research into what your business actually needs in terms of coverage.

All businesses benefit from general commercial liability insurance, as it protects against a number of common perils that every business is affected by in some part. This covers liability issues that stem from injuries on your property, from libel and slander, and other situations in which you are considered financially liable as a company.

Another commercial insurance offering that many businesses need to pay attention to is workers compensation insurance. This is legally required once you meet certain criteria in your business location. If you don’t have it, not only are you on the hook if an employee gets hurt, but also you get fined by the state.

Commercial property insurance has much higher limits than standard residential property insurance, to account for the higher value of the buildings and its contents. Since commercial equipment is often mission-critical and custom-built, having it properly insured helps to protect against business-operation bumps. If you do have equipment that gets damaged, destroyed, or stolen, loss-of-use insurance keeps your cash flow going until you’re back on your feet.

Talk to our experienced business insurance agents to find out about coverage options in Astoria, OR, to keep your business protected and growing strongly.

Auto Insurance – Linda Dugan Insurance Agency, Oregon

In the state of Oregon, auto insurance is a necessity according to the state laws. However, just because it is required by law does not mean that you don't have plenty of choice in the coverage you get. Our auto insurance agency is an independent agency because that means we are able to get our customers the biggest range of auto insurance choices available.

We work with companies including Travelers, Humana, Kemper, Foremost, Progressive, Mutual of Omaha, Blue Cross Blue Shield Regence, and many other major insurance providers every day. We can get you fast quotes from multiple providers to aid in your search for the very best car insurance policy at the price you can easily afford.

The two primary insurance products that we offer are car insurance and home insurance, and for those coverage types we offer instant live comparative quotes on our website. We also offer home insurance, health insurance, commercial insurance, life insurance, and special types of coverage like flood insurance as well. You can simply complete the form on our site by choosing which type of coverage you want and entering your zip code. In seconds, you can have quotes from several of the leading local insurance providers right in front of you.

Whether you are in search of auto coverage, homeowners coverage, health insurance, or some other type of insurance in the state of Oregon, the Linda Dugan Insurance Agency is happy to be your go-to resource for local insurance of all types. Please feel free to try out our live comparison quote tool anytime around the clock, or give us a call so we can help you find the coverage that you need!



Get Online Flood Insurance Quotes in Oregon

Many people are attracted to moving to Oregon because of the state’s abundance of natural beauty and fresh air and water. However, with high rates of precipitation in the Pacific Northwest, you should keep in mind the possibility of flooding that could damage your home in Oregon.

There is no reason that the prospect of flooding should cause you any concern, provided that you sign up for insurance to protect your home and possessions.

If you are currently a homeowner here or are thinking of purchasing a home, it’s important to recognize that most homeowners insurance policies do not cover flooding, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

FEMA also notes that homeowners should not count on federal disaster insurance to help them after flooding because floods are typically not designated as national disasters.

If you have determined that your homeowners insurance policy does not provide you with coverage in the event of flooding, you’ll need to arrange for separate coverage as soon as possible.

The easiest and most efficient way to find the best coverage for your home is to use our online comparison tool to get flood insurance quotes. The online tool is faster to use than calling individual insurance companies one at a time or finding out the address to each of their websites and digging around for the information you need.

Even if there have been no reports of floods in your location for quite some time now, the historical record may show that there have been disastrous floods that can recur once again. Instead of hoping for the best, you and your family can get the peace of mind that will come from knowing that you have arranged for sufficient flood insurance with the help of the online price comparison tool.

Oregonians Act Now Before Your Health Insurance Coverage Plan Expires

Oregonians Act Now Before Your Health Insurance Coverage Plan Expires

It doesn’t matter if you live in the city of Sisters or the tiny town of Corbett, Oregon it’s time to to renew your health insurance plan. Although, the Obama administration had said that all healthcare plans would be automatically renew for 2015, this is no longer going to happen.

Open enrollment starts on November 15th, you must enroll by Dec. 15, 2014. To make sure you have your health insurance plan ready to go on Jan. 1, 2015.

Some of last year’s plans are no longer available however; they have been replaced by similar plans. Therefore, you should not have too much difficulty maintaining roughly the same type of coverage you had in 2014.

Oregonians may want to change things in their coverage this year, this is also the time to make changes. There may be some things you want to consider before finalizing your 2015 health insurance plan.

Things to consider:

Look at any changes you need or want to make. If your current plan still meets your needs make sure it is still available. The only time you have to make changes in during open enrollment unless you have a major life change such a new baby, marriage/divorce.

If your health insurance plan is older you may be missing out on other benefits. With the Affordable Care Act you may have access to services that are free of charge under all new health care insurance plans including some of the following, even if you have a private health insurance plan.

  • Screening services (blood pressure, cholesterol, HIV, depression, breast cancer prenatal services, and several more that you can view at
  • Immunizations (MMR, flu, Human Papillomavirus, Hepatitis A and B, Tetanus and several more.)

There are several more free preventive services available to men, women, and children to help keep Oregonians healthy.

Don’t get caught without health insurance coverage come January, 2015. Instead, easily compare quotes online with Linda Dugan Insurance to find out what options you have available.

Affordable Homeowners Insurance Rates in Oregon

Whether you are planning to move to a new home in Oregon sometime soon or have been living here for some time now in apartments or condos and are getting ready to purchase your first home, you’ll want to get a good idea of what it will cost you to insure the house.

In fact, budgeting for insurance is one of your most crucial tasks before becoming a homeowner and is something that you don’t want to put off doing for too long. You don’t’ want to get stuck with inadequate coverage. It’s best to explore all your available options so you can rest assured that your family and possessions have the coverage you require.

Unfortunately, busy people, especially those who are preparing to move into a new home, don’t have much time to spend contacting every insurance company to do research about what kind of coverage is available.

Spending hours on the phone speaking with customer service representatives or looking up the website for each different insurance company will be a nightmare. However, you must be prudent and see what each insurance company is currently charging in Oregon to ensure that you get the best deal.

This is why so many homeowners and prospective homeowners find it useful to use a secure website to compare homeowners insurance policies online. All you have to do is enter your information and the website will present you with all the details you need to help you determine the best available coverage.

As a rule, you wouldn’t purchase the first home you see, as this is a major investment for you and your family. Likewise, you wouldn’t want to buy an insurance policy from the first random insurance company that you run across. Using the online price comparison tool will make your life easier, saving you time, effort and money.

What is the Penalty for Not Having Auto Insurance in Aberdeen, WA?

Drivers in and around Aberdeen, WA are required by Washington state law to have auto insurance. If you should choose to operate a motor vehicle, whether it is your own or someone else’s, without insurance coverage you could end up having to pay a fine. That fine could cost you several hundred dollars.

The penalty for driving without insurance varies depending upon the city or county that cited you for the offense. The minimum fine is $250, but some cities or counties could increase that fine.

In addition to the minimum fine for the traffic citation, you will be expected to pay court costs and other fines, which can total approximately $200. Overall, the entire cost of driving without insurance is at least $450.

Paying a fine isn’t the only penalty that can result from driving without insurance in Aberdeen, WA. You could potentially lose your license or have it suspended.

When you have been cited for driving without a license, it is considered a traffic infraction and goes on your driving record. A single traffic infraction will not result in a license suspension, but multiple infractions can result in a loss of license for anywhere from 30 days to a year. Traffic infractions that will count towards license suspension include moving violations and speeding tickets.

Don’t find yourself in a situation where you will have to pay a penalty, or worse lose your license, for not having auto insurance. Drivers are only required to have a minimum liability insurance policy to avoid penalties and traffic infractions.

Take a few moments to compare auto insurance quotes online with Linda Dugan Insurance. You will easily be able to find a policy that fits your budget and provides you with protection against a potential fine.