Brief Overview of Anti-Theft Devices for Your Motorcycle in Astoria, OR

Motorcycles are fairly easy to move which makes them easy targets, especially for opportunists. If you’re in Astoria and want to ensure that you can keep your precious ride safe, then you should know these anti-theft devices and choose one or a few of them for your vehicle.

1. Killswitch

Some thieves are wizards with wires, but a killswitch will make it so the engine won’t operate unless it’s started by the key in your hands. Some owners have a difficult time installing these, so you may want to get a professional to help you here. Every motorcycle is different, and you definitely don’t want this malfunctioning.

2. Disc Locks

Essentially this is an easy and safe way of locking your wheels, which is the primary way criminals will move your motorcycle. Of course it’s possible to pick up a motorcycle, but it makes it much more difficult. As long as you park your motorcycle in a well-lit area, then this can be enough of a measure to prevent thieves who have precious little time to complete their task.

3. Alarms and Trackers

This is your motorcycle, and only you know just how much it’s worth to you, so you may want to consider getting both of them. There are a variety of alarms and GPS trackers available so if it is stolen, so you can either scare them away or find them wherever you they happen to be.

And if the worst does happen to you and your bike is stolen, make sure you have excellent theft coverage on your motorcycle. Linda Dugan Insurance serves the people of Astoria OR, so call today if you need for a review or a new motorcycle insurance policy.

Prepare for Pipes That May Break In Winter

When Americans move from warmer, more southern locations to colder, more northern locations, they experience new stuff that happens because of the cold. Sometimes cars do not start – If the car battery is too cold, it does not even make enough of an electrical charge to create a spark in the spark plugs that is necessary to fire up the engine.

Water pipes burst – Water expands when cooled down to the temperature that forms ice. This is surprising for those that move from Florida to Oregon. When the water in the house pipes freezes, it sometimes breaks the pipes in the walls. The water stops flowing, at first, and then when the temperature warms up a bit, the house is flooded from water escaping from broken pipes in the walls.

In heavy winter snowstorm, there may be such strong snowfall that blocks the exit so it is not even possible to leave the house. Then what do you do?

A superb insurance agent like Linda Dugan Insurance helps new arrivals to Oregon, with great advice on how to deal with the colder temperatures. Home insurance is available to protect from unexpected damage, but with a little common sense advice that comes from Linda, new residents to Oregon can find ways to lessen any damage from the colder temperatures that they may not be used to experiencing.

Extra Protection is Necessary in Oregon

Please consult with Linda for insurance for RVs, snowmobiles, boats, golf carts, and any of your other insurance needs for home, life, healthcare, or property protection.

She is an expert in living a happy lifestyle in Oregon. She provides the protection her clients need, especially if they are not familiar with the specific problems that come from the cold weather and the major disasters that may come from pipes breaking.

Linda is an Independent Insurance Agent that is highly trusted for her expertise and confident in helping families avoid serious financial calamities.

Why Go Independent with Insurance?

Is opting for an independent insurance agency the best way to? It may be one of the best ways to go about finding insurance for any and all of your needs. First of all, by using a local company, you can be sure that you are also helping your states’ economy. How is that? That is because when you choose a locally owned and operated insurance agency, they are not part of a franchise or a sector of a major insurance industry. By taking part and being a customer of this type of insurance agency, you will be able to provide income that will in turn, go back into your local community. This creates an overall balance for your town.

Those companies that are locally owned, no matter where you may live are best to choose for personal convenience. These types of agencies operate on a much smaller scale. Therefore, when you have a question, your agent will be able to answer you much more quickly since you are dealing with a local company that is all around more personable.

Another very important fact of choosing an independent agency is that your insurance agent will not only know the ins and outs of insurance, but they will specifically know the policies that are unique to your state. Insurance companies such as Linda Dugan Insurance, is a great place where you will find, local, independent as well as personable guidance.  This alone is a great help since many times it is hard to deal with various insurance agencies that may be located in various places.

By choosing to work with an independent insurance company, you will be able to have any insurance needs that you may have, processed faster and much more coherent with your state. 


Improve Your Winter Driving Skills

You should always be looking to improve your driving skills. As you drive throughout Washington, you may experience snow, ice, and even freezing rain. There are ways for you to improve your skills so that you can navigate the road in a more expert way, and reduce the chance of being involved in an accident.

One of the most important things to do to improve your driving skills is to have the right equipment. This includes having snow tires on your car. If you have 4-wheel drive, it can help with your traction, but don’t depend on it for everything. You still need to exercise caution when it comes to taking turns as well as braking.

Another thing you want to do is stock your car with supplies. This includes gloves and a hat, jumper cables, as well as a shovel. A flashlight can also be helpful if you encounter a problem at night.

Watch what is going on as you drive. Don’t look at the car in front of you only – look several feet ahead. There may be an animal getting ready to cross the road or there may be shadows from buildings or billboards that could be hiding a patch of ice.

Approximately 80% of collisions can be avoided simply by being more alert. Be ready for anything. By not following too closely, you can make sure you have enough room to brake without hitting the car in front of you, too.

At Linda Dugan Insurance, we can help you to find an affordable auto insurance policy in Longview, Washington. Call and speak to one of our agents today so we can answer questions you have, provide you with more winter driving skills, and get quotes from some of the top insurance companies in the state.


How To Decide On Home Liability Coverage

Deciding on home liability coverage in Washington can be difficult. You want to make sure that you have sufficient coverage so that you don’t spend a fortune of your own money in the event someone gets injured on your property. You are the homeowner and therefore you are often held liable if someone slips and falls, burns themselves, or potentially even dies.

There is a significant amount of expenses that can be incurred. These include:

  • Legal costs
  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Death benefits
  • Lost wages

You don’t want to be responsible for all of these expenses on your own. It is easier to have them encompassed within home liability coverage, which is part of your homeowner’s insurance policy. When you purchase your homeowner’s policy, you can determine what level of coverage you have in place for home liability. This is going to involve working with an independent insurance agent who can guide you through all of the options.

You can choose to add various scenarios where home liability coverage will take care of the incident. This can include basic negligence as well as if someone were to leave your property inebriated and get into an accident.

As the homeowner, you can be held responsible for all sorts of incidents and the financial repercussions can be astounding. You can increase the limits as high as you want to minimize the chance of having to pay out-of-pocket. You can also choose to add a personal umbrella policy as optional coverage, providing additional liability protection.

At Linda Dugan Insurance, we’re here to work with you on homeowner’s insurance in Longview. Let us get quotes and answer questions you may have about home liability coverage. We can help you to find an affordable policy.


Don’t Lose the Money You Make from a Garage Sale

If you’re looking to make some extra cash, having a garage sale is an excellent idea. You don’t want to lose all the money you make from a garage sale in a liability lawsuit, though. If you’re thinking about holding a sale in Astoria, OR, let us at Linda Dugan Insurance help you check your liability coverage before the weekend of your sale.

Maximize Your Earnings

One of the main reasons to have a garage sell is to sell things — and get money. There is an art to successfully selling items at a garage sale, though. To maximize your earnings, you can:

  • clean items before placing them out for sale
  • price items reasonably at ¼ to ⅓ of their original price
  • combine your sale with neighbors’ sales to attract more people
  • let people know you’re willing to negotiate on the last day of the sale

In general, success at a garage sale doesn’t come from selling a few items at prices that are just slightly lower than their initial values. Instead, it comes from presenting items well, attracting people and pricing items low so that they sell.

Check Your Liability Coverage

Accidents at garage sales are rare, but they happen occasionally. If someone is hurt at your garage sale, you might be held financially responsible.

Liability coverage, which is included in most homeowners insurance policies, provides homeowners with protection against covered incidents. If you have adequate liability coverage, and the accident is covered by its terms and conditions, your homeowners insurance policy might protect you from any lawsuits filed over the accident. This is the best way to protect yourself and your garage sale earnings from such a risk.

For help checking your liability coverage, contact us through our website. Even if you didn’t purchase your policy through us, our agents would be happy to review your coverage with you.


Car Care In The Fall You Need To Take Care Of

It is important that you take care of your car in the fall. There are several things that you will want to do to ensure it is capable of driving through the road conditions that are inevitable in your area of Oregon. By caring for your car in the fall, you can prepare for the winter more effectively.

Schedule a time to go into your local mechanic and talk about ways to improve performance during the winter months. This will likely include:

  • Checking the condition of your battery
  • Inspecting tire tread on all four tires
  • Testing the HVAC system
  • Have your brakes checked

All of these are important because you want to make sure that your car is prepared for the snow, ice, and other road conditions that are going to occur throughout the winter.

This is also a great time to remember to replace several things in your car. Take the time to replace your wiper blades so that they can clear the windshield effectively. You will also want to replace the cabin air filter so that you are more comfortable as you drive around.

Depending upon how much driving you are going to do in the winter, you may also want to think about placing winter tires on your car because they are designed to grip the roads better. Talk to your mechanic and find out what recommendations they have to care for your car this fall so you can have greater peace of mind.

At Linda Dugan Insurance, we look forward to helping you find an auto insurance policy that will protect you in Astoria throughout the fall months as well as the rest of the year. Call us now and let us find coverage that is affordable.



A Maintenance Checklist For Your Home

You likely want to do all that you can to protect your home in Oregon. As the fall months approach, there is a lot that you can be doing to ensure your home is in good condition. The fall leads to the winter and what you do in the fall as a way of protecting your home even further, especially against any snow and ice that may fall in the coming months.

Gutters – Gutters need to be maintained, just like everything else in your home. They may fill with leaves and various other items. Have a company come out and clean them – or clean them on your own. This can also minimize the chances for an ice dam during the winter.

Roof – Have your roof inspected annually, and do so in the fall. This will ensure that you don’t have any loose shingles or any that are missing – which could wreak havoc when snow and rain begin to fall.

Chimney – Your chimney should also be cleaned annually, especially because you don’t want a fire taking place just because you weren’t able to get it clean enough. Hiring a chimney sweeper can go a long way for peace of mind.

Inside Your Home – There are quite a few things that you can do inside your home for general maintenance as well.

When you want to cut down on your electric bill, reverse your fans so that the warm air is being distributed better.

Go through and replace batteries in all your smoke detectors so that you can be confident they are going to work when needed.

At Linda Dugan Insurance our agents look forward to helping you with your home in Astoria. Call today and learn about the many ways that we can assist with finding you an affordable homeowner’s insurance policy.



Tips For Saving Money On Auto Insurance For Students In Astoria

If you’re going to school in Astoria, whether it’s at a college, university, or even a tech school, you may have the ability to save money on auto insurance. It’s important to know about tips that can lead to big savings.

The first thing you want to do is be the safest driver you can be. Don’t be in a rush to go anywhere because it can lead to speeding tickets. If you have a clean driving record, it will be easier to get the safe driver discounts that are given out by virtually every insurance company licensed to issue policies in Oregon.

Another way to save money is to get good grades. There are many insurance companies that offer a “good student” discount. The grades you have to get to qualify for this can depend on the insurance company. A call to an agent can give you an idea, but generally it is a 3.0 GPA or better. You may get a bigger discount if you make it to the dean’s list.

You may also want to enroll in a defensive driving course. If it has been a few years since you took a driver’s ed course or you have never taken such a course, then the 5 hours you spend in class could add up to your advantage.

Yet another way is to look at how much you are driving on a daily basis. If you have low mileage throughout the week because you live on campus, or at least close by, you can save because you’re considered low risk.

At Linda Dugan Insurance our independent insurance agents can help you to save money on auto insurance. Call today whether you are a student or not and let us find you quotes from top insurance companies in Oregon.



Why is Having Renters Insurance Important?

Is it important to have renters insurance coverage? This is a common question asked by many of our clients—and our answer at Linda Dugan Insurance is always a resounding yes! Here are two common reasons why renters insurance is vital if you rent where you live.

Renters Insurance Covers Your Personal Property

One of the most common reasons why tenants need renters insurance is to cover their personal property. This means that if a fire, theft, weather event, or other covered claim situation happens, they would have the ability to replace each damaged item accordingly without having to pay out an exorbitant sum out of pocket.

Looking at the facts, it is important to remember that landlords are not responsible for taking care of renter’s personal belongings in the event of an incident. By having a policy in force ahead of time, you can rest assured that you have the means to replace the items if something unexpected occurs.

Renters Insurance Helps Protect You Against Liability Claims

We’ve all heard of stories about people sued because a delivery person slipped and fell on a wet floor or a would-be robber tripped on some stairs and broke an ankle. While some of these stories may seem a bit extreme, they do happen.­

Most basic renters insurance policies have a special section of coverage called liability. This portion of the policy contract helps pays for claims like the ones mentioned, plus any other time someone is injured while visiting your home or as a direct result of your actions. Other examples of liability claims include your child damaging a neighbor’s property with a toy or even your normally docile dog biting someone at a local park. Failure to have liability coverage in place could mean you are responsible for damage and medical bills of others—plus, you could be sued.

As you can tell, these two reasons make having renters insurance quite important. For more information about renters insurance or to receive a no-obligation quote, please contact us today.