3 Benefits of Auto Insurance

Purchasing auto insurance is a matter that affects all motorists universally. No matter what type of vehicle you have or how skilled of a drive you may be, auto insurance will still play a major factor in your ability to drive and maintain a vehicle. That said, the following is a closer look at three benefits of purchasing auto insurance. 

Lawsuit Avoidance

Firstly, one of the top benefits of having auto insurance is that it helps you avoid very costly lawsuits. If you are involved in an accident without coverage, you could be on the hook for thousands or maybe even millions! Purchase a high-quality lawsuit to avoid such things. 

Peace of Mind

In addition to that, maintaining an auto policy provides us with peace of mind. The road can be a scary place. This fear will only be magnified if you are driving without coverage. However, by purchasing an auto insurance policy, you will feel that much more confident while on the road. 

Protect your Health

Lastly, another top benefit of auto insurance is protecting your health. Given that there is always the potential of a serious accident occurring, auto insurance policies help by providing monies for medical bills and other things necessary for recovery.

Overall, if you need auto insurance in Astoria, OR, Linda Dugan Insurance is the way to go. No matter how much or how little coverage you want to purchase, Linda Dugan Insurance can create a custom package perfect to suit your insurance-related needs! Never get caught without insurance in Astoria, OR, call Linda Dugan today to start your policy and hopefully save some money! 

Will Auto Insurance Cover Vandalism?

Some Oregon motorists mistakenly believe all auto insurance plans pay for repairs to any kind of damage. The truth is that many policies only cover traffic accidents. If you want an insurer to pay for vandalism-related losses, you’ll need to buy extra coverage. You may be required to purchase it in some situations.

Comprehensive policies cover a variety of non-collision damage. In addition to vandalism, they often compensate drivers for losses linked to fires, hail, flooding or theft. Motorists usually buy this type of coverage in combination with collision insurance. It frequently appeals to owners of fairly recent or high-value vehicles. As with any insurance plan, actual compensation varies depending on the policy terms and the results of an insurer’s investigation.

Is it Required?

Oregon state law only calls for motorists to obtain liability coverage. However, the terms of some auto loans require drivers to purchase comprehensive insurance. Banks, credit unions and other lenders want to fully protect the value of borrowers’ cars. They know that it can become difficult to recover the borrowed funds if a storm, fire or vandals heavily damage a vehicle without the right coverage.

Making a Claim

Astoria, OR motorists should report car vandalism to the local authorities as soon as possible. Insurers normally want to see police reports before they pay for repairs. It’s wise to take photos and contact the insurer before visiting a repair shop. Drivers ought to take steps to prevent additional damage, such as protecting broken windows with plastic.

If you need comprehensive auto coverage at affordable rates, turn to the friendly insurance experts at Linda Dugan Insurance in Astoria OR. This independent agency finds the best prices and most suitable policies for local motorists. To learn more and compare quotes, please call the Linda Dugan Insurance office at 503-440-3909.

Updating Your Home Insurance: Better Coverage, Better Lives

Having more coverage when it comes to home insurance can sometimes just feel like you’re just having more money taken out of your wallet. Days go by and everything remains status quo, and you start thinking that there’s no reason to plan for the worst because it will never actually happen to you. But this mentality has left too many people in Astoria, OR feeling foolish. Linda Dugan Insurance wants you to have more information about how updating can be your true savior when it comes to emergencies. 

Understanding the Role of Home Insurance 

Your policy is in place to protect you against practically every even that may occur on your property. From a stray dog destroying your expensive shrubs and garden, to your own dog ruining an antique dresser. However, every policy is different, and may not reflect the same needs you have when you first moved into the house.The more you find out about what’s actually in the clauses of your policy, the better you’ll feel about the amount of threats out there. Your home isn’t just something that you bought without research, so it’s important that your home insurance be given the same careful consideration. 

Call Someone Who Knows 

To update your policy, you’ll want to talk to someone who understands the nuances of each event. There may be provisions that can help you more than you think. Home insurance keeps you ready both emotionally and financially, and Linda Dugan Insurance has proudly contributed to that peace of mind for the people of Astoria, OR. If you’re interested in updating your coverage, then now is the time to chat with us. The agents here are ready to answer your questions and get you a policy that protects everything that’s worth protecting, so call today! 

Tips for Packing to Make Moving a Breeze

It would be difficult to find someone that actually enjoys the packing, moving, and unpacking process but with a bit of extra planning, you can make everything a bit easier on yourself. It may take some extra time in the beginning but it will definitely save you some time when you are moving and unpacking for your new home in Astoria, OR. Use these tips from Linda Dugan Insurance during your packing process:

  • Color code your boxes. When you are packing, you should use different colors for each room and put these colors on the boxes. Then, when you are moving, you can make sure the boxes that go in specific rooms are placed in there. When you go to unpack them, all of the boxes in that room will be there for you.
  • Keep a detailed inventory. You should also number the boxes and keep a detailed inventory list of everything that is in those boxes. When you are looking for a specific item, you can go to your list and quickly find the box it is in. 
  • Pack a box for the first night. You will be very tired after moving but you will still likely want to get clean and sleep in your bed. Make sure you pack everything you need for your first night in one box so you can get a good night of sleep.

Another step of moving that you need to complete is finding a great home insurance policy for your new home. Whether you have one in place or not, it is worth your time to contact Linda Dugan Insurance serving Astoria, OR. They can take a look at some different policy options as well as help you find something that fits within your budget. Contact them today to learn more. 

Water Safety Tips for Every Time of Year

Astoria, OR, Linda Dugan Insurance wants you to make the most of life on the water. Throughout the year there are chances to have fun unique to the area, but it’s always important to keep safety in mind. Fun should never come at the cost of health, so keep a few simple tips on the brain when you plan for some watery adventure.


Oregon is a nice place to stay cool without freezing, but minding the weather is important for safe fun in the water. No matter what time of year it is, if you venture into the waters, keep an eye on storms and rainfall. While a heavy system can create stronger currents and raise water tables, dry spells can be equally dangerous when they expose shelves, rocks and other obstructions. It sounds obvious, but always double check weather reports before venturing into open water.


While many will shy from a dip in the colder months, there are always adventurous souls out there. Make sure you use a proper wet suit and anything else you need to stay warm. Even in the peak of summer hypothermia can be a threat if you swim long enough, so always prioritize warmth. Even if you’re just looking to wade or do a little fishing, make sure your feet are protected from rocks or submerged debris.


One of the great benefits of living on the coast is the availability of water sports. If you dry dock your vehicles, be sure they are stored properly, and give them a thorough inspection before taking them back to the water. If you leave them docked, regular visits and inspections, especially during winter, will help identify any signs of wear or damage before they become a safety issue. When in use, make sure any craft are properly equipped with life jackets and general safety equipment.

Contact a friendly agent at Astoria, OR based Linda Dugan Insurance today!


Why does Location Impact my Car Insurance?

When people in Astoria, OR look for car insurance, there are a few factors that everyone expects to impact their car insurance rates. For example, people with better driving records are likely to receive better rates on their car insurance; however, there are also a few factors that impact car insurance premiums that people aren’t expecting. One of these commonly overlooked factors is location. Location actually plays a big role when insurance companies calculate premiums for car insurance in Astoria, OR. Read below to figure out why!

Everyone understands that certain locations are safer than others. In fact, locations that are safer to live in will receive a lower car insurance rate. It makes sense that a car parked in a safe area has a lower chance of being broken into. This means that insurance companies are less likely to have to pay out claims for car theft and damage in this location. They will reward a car living in this location with a lower insurance rate. Consider the safety of an area before moving because it impacts the well-being of the family as well as car insurance rates.

In addition, some areas have significantly higher costs of living than others. When the cost of living drives up the cost of goods, the cost of car insurance will rise as well. If people are worried about their car insurance rates, they should avoid moving to an area with a high cost of living. Property taxes and real estate taxes will all impact car insurance rates.

People with questions on their car insurance policies should contact Linda Dugan Insurance. Linda Dugan Insurance has a reputation for finding an insurance policy that will meet the needs of everyone. Contact the office today for more information!



Is your car protected?

Much like your home, your car is an important aspect of maintaining your livelihood. You need it to get from point A to point B and the last thing you want to worry about is your car being taken away because it is unprotected. Unfortunately, the truth is that even when you follow the rules of the road, drive carefully, and never drive when you are physically impaired; your car still may be on the bad end of an accident. Our independent agents at Linda Dugan Insurance understand how important it is to protect your car while it’s on the road. 

When it comes to auto insurance, it is just as important to make sure you have the right insurance according to the state of Oregon as it is to have auto insurance that fits your budget, needs, and car. Driving around without auto insurance is against the law and can ruin your piece of mind. Many times, when you are a 5 star driver, you can come in contact with an inebriated or simply irresponsible driver that can cause an accident and snatch your car right out of your grasp. The right auto insurance can protect your car from everything from fender benders to full blown accidents that result in a totaled car. 

Whether you are purchasing your first auto insurance or changing over your insurance for a more comprehensive plan, our independent agents at Linda Dugan Insurance will walk you through the process, step by step, to make sure you are leaving the office with all of your questions answered and the right insurance for your car and budget. 

Why wait? Come down to our offices today to talk to our agents about how we can help you purchase the right auto insurance for your car.

Downsizing Isn’t Always a Savings

Every family reaches a time when the moment to live in a smaller place, more personal and more comfortable, arrives. Whether that change is due to the kids growing up and leaving home, or it’s because health requirements are making it impossible or impractical to live in a larger home, downsizing happens. Some folks even downsize just to live in a new place they always wanted to, leveraging the investment of the previous home for a better location. Whatever the reason, home insurance is affecting accordingly when living conditions change. However, that doesn’t mean folks should give up on home financial protection altogether.

Clearly, a new home or smaller home is going to be a change, but a new policy could actually have a higher cost, not necessarily lower one. Some of the big reasons that trigger changes include the location, the cost of reconstruction, and the type of home involved. Location can be a big variance, with some locations having a real estate value more than double that of others. While that doesn’t necessarily directly impact home protection, it can influence the overall cost of home repair for that area. That in turn can be a policy cost more to address such expenses if they occur. Secondly, home construction in some areas can also cost more due to proximity to construction resources. More remote areas obviously will trigger more expenses from contractors. Finally, if a smaller replacement home is unique and not a standard construction, a common situation with retirees, then these additional changes or unique factors will also add to home insurance costs for coverage of replacement if it occurs. So, again, just moving to a smaller downsizing home for later years doesn’t mean one will automatically have a cheaper home insurance policy as a result.

The best way for folks in Astoria, OR to know what a downsizing event may look like cost-wise is to sit down with Linda Dugan Insurance. Their independent agents can scan the market and provide the best picture for alternatives before a homeowner makes changes, saving folks from uncomfortable surprises.

Misconceptions About Home Insurance

Not all home insurance policies are the same, and many homeowners suffer from a variety of misconceptions about their coverage. We at Linda Dugan Insurance have had to help our Astoria, Oregon residents understand the truth behind many of these misconceptions.

Home Insurance Will Not Cover Health Emergencies

Many home insurance policies have what is known as "medical payment" coverage. This type of coverage is not designed to pay for your medical emergency needs, but if someone else on your property gets injured. This policy will help protect you from lawsuits by providing a provision for payment, not for covering your personal medical expenses.

Not All Polices Have Loss-Of-Use Coverage

Many home insurance policies will help pay for expenses earned while staying in a hotel while yours is being repaired. However, this kind of coverage is not inherent in all home insurance policies. It often requires an extra cost and coverage may be limited. For example, your policy may indicate how much you can pay while staying in a hotel.

Earthquake Damage Is Not Covered By A Standard Policy

In areas that are highly affected by earthquakes, it is important to make sure that your policy covers this kind of damage. Don’t assume that it does: a majority of standard home insurance policies won’t cover earthquake insurance. This can leave you with a hefty bill after the next big one, which could hit Astoria, Oregon at any time.

Agents Will Definitely Notice Pad Claiming

People who suffer from home damage often try to get a little bit of extra money by padding their claim. Big mistake: agents are very suspicious of high claims and will investigate them quickly. If you have no receipts for your claimed items, there’s a chance your home insurance claim could be voided.

If you suffer from any of this conceptions or simply need help figuring out your home insurance policy, we can help. At Linda Dugan Insurance, we offer homeowners like you quality assistance in finding high-quality home insurancce.

How Does Location Impact Car Insurance Costs?

People living in Astoria, OR know that car insurance costs can vary widely across the region. People will often shop around to find the least expensive option for insuring their cars. How exactly does location impact car insurance costs? Dugan insurance has some important advice that readers can learn from below.

First, everyone knows that weather varies by location. Some parts of Oregon are close to the coast. While Oregon isn’t often hit by hurricanes, it is always a possibility. Car insurance companies know this and therefore will charge higher rates for insuring cars due to the added risk of damage from hurricanes. While living on the coast is nice, it can contribute to higher car insurance costs. 

Next, some neighborhoods are safer than others. While people have numerous reasons for desiring a safe neighborhood to live in, this also impacts car insurance rates. Locations with high crime rates mean that there is a higher chance of having a car broken into or stolen. Therefore, choosing a safer neighborhood will keep car insurance premiums lower. Choose the neighborhood carefully.

Finally, some parts of town have more treacherous roads. Insurance companies track the accident rates across certain cities and streets. If a car will be driving the more dangerous roads regularly, there is a higher chance of the car being involved in the accident. To cover against these potential losses, a car insurance company will raise insurance rates in areas with more accident-prone roads. Keeping a car off of roads with higher accident rates will wind up in lower car insurance prices.

When it comes to shopping for car insurance in Astoria, OR, location matters just as much as it does in real estate. Crime rates, weather conditions, and accident rates all impact premiums for car insurance. Make sure to take these into consideration when deciding where to live or insure a car. Contact Dugan Insurance for an auto insurance quote today.