3 Tips for a Fun-filled Day Out on the Water

When it comes to rest and relaxation, there is nothing better than taking the boat out for a float at a nearby lake or ocean in Astoria, OR. Before you are out enjoying the beautiful weather, though, you’ll definitely want to make sure you have properly planned ahead for a fun-filled day. Here is a quick look at three must-know tips for having a safe and fun time out on the water.

Check the Weather

Before planning your trip to the lake or beach, you should always check your local weather. A few things to watch for are:

  • Current wave conditions, including when the next low and high tides are
  • Wind trends
  • Any warnings current for the area you will be traveling to

Know your Water Safety

Make sure your children know about water safety and they have proper swimming skills. Parents will also want to set guidelines and rules for water play. Two of these rules should always include wearing life jackets when swimming or boating and having a swimming buddy while in the water. Also, when you’re on your way to the beach, this makes for the perfect time for you and your family to discuss how far out in the water the children are allowed.

Essential Things To Pack

To plan the perfect day on the water, it is vital to make sure you have the essentials packed and ready to go. A few things to bring to ensure you and your family are prepared are:

  • Bottled water
  • Snacks
  • Sunscreen
  • Floaties
  • Cooler
  • Sunglasses
  • Extra clothes
  • Beach towels

Protect Your Boat

Also, before you head to the lake or ocean, you’ll want to make sure your boat is properly protected with boat insurance. Contact Linda Dugan Insurance serving the Astoria, OR today to learn more about different types of boat insurance policies.

The Importance of Reviewing Your RV Insurance Policy in the Spring

An RV is not a small or inexpensive item. And if your RV were to sustain damage, it may be a financial burden to you to have to pay for the repairs or any loss that is caused. This is why having the right amount of coverage on your RV insurance is so important. At Linda Dugan Insurance, serving the greater Astoria, OR area, we recommend reviewing your RV insurance every spring, before you take your RV out for the season, to ensure your coverage is ideal. Here are a few of the things you should know.

What Should Be Looked at When Reviewing Your RV Insurance?

As you look at your RV insurance, you want to make sure that your policy limits are still applicable to your RV. Your RV may go up or down in value, based on how much it is driven, used, its condition and changes and repairs you make. As the value changes, your policy may also need to change.

Why Is Spring the Ideal Time to Review Your Policy?

Your policy should be reviewed at least once a year. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what time of year you review it, as long as it is consistently done. However, we recommend spring because it is right before most people take their RV out and begin to heavily use it. This ensures the coverage limits are appropriately set for any upcoming adventures or travel you may have.

If you are looking to change your RV insurance policy coverage or are looking for a new plan, Linda Dugan Insurance, serving the greater Astoria, OR area, can help. Contact us today and let us review your policy or provide you with quotes for a new one.

How Can Flood Insurance Help You Recover?

In the unfortunate event that your home and family are subjected to a flood, you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you, but having the right insurance in place can make recovering easier. Whether you need a place to stay while the flood is dissipating, or if you’re faced with costly repairs to your home and property, flood insurance can help. The coverage thresholds and limits vary, making it important to know what your policy covers.

Covered building property under flood insurance policies includes electrical and plumbing systems, water heaters, carpeting and window blinds among many other items. All of this building property would be costly to replace without flood insurance, inhibiting your ability to recover from the disaster.

Insurance can also replace your refrigerator or foundation walls, turning your home back into a habitable place. Personal property items, such as clothing, furniture, portable microwaves and artwork among other items may also be covered. Having these items replaced can make your recovery process easier and faster, which is better for everyone in your family.

Sitting down and discussing coverage options with an insurance specialist at Linda Dugan Insurance in Astoria, OR is an effective way to tailor flood insurance to meet your risk profile. Whether you need additional living expenses or help to supplement medical subscriptions, insurance can help you get back on your feet.

To learn more about flood insurance and how to mitigate the risks posed by this unfortunate event, please contact Linda Dugan Insurance in Astoria, OR. If you live in a flood zone or an area that is prone to having natural disasters, it’s prudent to get flood insurance before the unexpected happens. Flood insurance can help you get your life back on track.

Why you should carry flood insurance

Most of the time, flood insurance is not one of those things that most people think about. After all, Oregon is not far away from any coast, such as the part of the country that was recently hit hard by Harvey. Rain rarely occurs in the desert southwest. However, as Linda Dugan Insurance serving Astoria, OR notes, floods do hit our community from time to time, and, when they do, as happened in 2014, they can be devastating. Our area gets scant rainfall, but occasionally the year’s allotment can happen all at once.

The event of September 8, 2014, hit the area around Phoenix, including Mesa, in the early morning, eventually flooding the Emerald Acres neighborhood when the retention basin overflowed, sending water into nearby streets and eventually into an elementary school and about 200 homes. People were trapped in their homes, watching as the water relentlessly flowed inside. Roads were blocked, and many people found themselves trapped in flooded vehicles. Rain gauges throughout the city measured more than three inches in a six-hour period, with one measuring a mind-numbing 4.6 inches. The cleanup afterward was time-consuming and expensive.

Flood insurance is not covered by a homeowner’s policy and has to be purchased separately. A flood insurance policy has a 30-day waiting period attached to it to prevent people from waiting to buy a policy until just before a rainstorm, Home and business owners who carry flood insurance at least have the peace of mind of knowing that they will be covered if an event like 2014 happens again.

If you have any questions concerning flood insurance, feel free to contact Linda Dugan Insurance serving Astoria, OR.

When should I have umbrella insurance in Astoria, OR

Umbrella insurance may not be the type of insurance plan that most people recognized, but it certainly has nothing to do with rain or umbrellas. It is actually for people that want extended insurance coverage for limits that are not covered by current insurance policies. If you are considering umbrella insurance and you are from the Astoria, OR, Linda Dugan Insurance may have exactly what you need.

Are you worth it?

In most cases, umbrella insurance is useful for high-net-worth individuals that desire coverage that is much higher than the norm. It is also for people that have the potential to lose a lot of money and assets if there is ever a lawsuit. One must consider what they do with their property, how many people they interact with or do business with, and the specific risks that their lifestyle holds.

What if I don’t have any assets?

If you are in a position that the judge awards a significant amount of money against your favor, it won’t matter what you currently have. A judgment against you may eat your future paychecks and assets until the amount is paid off. This can even affect your non-liquid investments. If you believe that you have a lifestyle in which such a thing is possible, you can still benefit from umbrella insurance.

In any case, the need to have umbrella insurance is such a dynamic matter that must be assessed for each individual. If you live in the Astoria, OR area and you have an interest in umbrella insurance, it is a wise idea to consult with Linda Dugan Insurance.

Can I add my husband to my private policy even though he is eligible to get healthcare insurance through work?

Employers are obligated by law to provide health insurance for their employees, under certain conditions. In efforts to still save money, they sometimes impose rules on the health insurance policies which can be frustrating to their employers.

One such rule that many employers have is that if the employee is married, and the spouse is eligible for health insurance because of the spouse’s employment, they will refuse to allow the spouse to be on the health insurance they offer. This can be more expensive for the employees, who are forced to purchase separate individual health insurance policies. However, you still need to consider the premiums and how much health care coverage you are likely to use in order to accurately see which will cause you to have the most out-of-pocket expenses.

If you are in Astoria, OR and purchase your health insurance policy through Linda Dugan Insurance, you will discover that you have choices about how you set up your policy. You can choose the plan that best suits your needs and your budget, whether you want a family plan or an individual one. You will also have choices based on what kind of insurance and deductible you want, and how you want to pay.

If you already have an individual health insurance policy and want to add your spouse, you may have to wait until the next open enrollment period even if you have private insurance, depending on what your contract says. Besides open enrollment, you can always add your spouse if you have just gotten married or if your spouse has recently lost health insurance. If you would like to know your options in Astoria, OR, the friendly agents at Linda Dugan Insurance would be happy to help you.

How to get RV insurance

RV insurance is available through your automobile insurance. You may get insurance on this type vehicle just as you would on an automobile through Linda Dugan Insurance in Astoria, OR. Some liability is required on RVs that have to be registered, but there are some RVs that do not have to be registered. Your RV is probably valuable, so it makes sense to have coverage, and you can get the same coverage – liability, collision and comprehensive – that you get for your automobile.

If you have a loan you are paying on an RV, you will have to have insurance.

In Oregon, there are specific definitions for what an RV is. A camper is something that is pulled behind a motorized vehicle. It must have sleeping and cooking facilities and more than six feet long. If it is less than that, it is not considered an RV. A camper permanently attached to a truck is considered a motorhome, and part of the truck.

motorhome is like the above but has a permanently attached motor that drives the vehicle.

The need for liability insurance is obvious, as you must be able to pay for damage you cause. Most RV’s are valuable, so it also makes sense to have insurance that will cover the cost if your RV suffers major damage in an accident.

You must have proof of insurance to register the vehicle, and if it is of a certain size, it must be registered to be legal.

Call or come by and visit Linda Dugan Insurance in Astoria, OR to learn more about ensuring your RV.  You may also visit online to get more information. There are a lot of options available, so let us help you determine exactly what you need to fit your situation.

Does Flood Insurance Cover Mold Mitigation?

There are a ton of different things that you have to deal with when flooding occurs and one is mold even after the water is gone. That being said, mold mitigation can be very expensive and can end up costing more than you might imagine. Though it might seem like a simple cleanup, mitigation has several steps that are very involved in order to make a home safe to inhabit again after it has been infested with mold. For those that live in the Astoria, OR area, the agents with Linda Dugan Insurance can help you find the policy that works best for you.

Flood insurance covers a wide range of things from removing water and old carpets and other items that are damaged in the flooding, to mitigating mold after the water is gone. Part of the coverage that you get when you purchase flood insurance is of course the mold mitigation of any mold that grows as a direct result of the flooding that occurred. This means that you cannot claim mold that was already present in the home before the flooding occurred.

If the mold is a direct result of the flood, you can claim it on the policy and you can get the coverage that you need to get the mold cleaned up so that you can inhabit your home again. Mold mitigation can be expensive and without the right coverage you can end up paying thousands to get mold removed from your home. If you live in an area that floods frequently, you should look into flood insurance. For those that live in the Astoria, OR area, the agents with Linda Dugan Insurance can help you find the right policy that you need to make sure your home is safe after any sort of flooding.

What you can and cannot do with your flood insurance policy

Flooding is the partial or complete overflow of water in two or more structures in a specific area. One of the buildings, of course, must be your home if you are planning to claim losses incurred by the situation. Flooding is a temporary situation that delivers devastating results.

Although there are many regions throughout the United States, Astoria, OR being one of them, susceptible to flooding, few homeowners take advantage of an indemnity plan that covers their possessions beforehand. The masses are often given a rude awakening when they wake up to find their valued goods underwater with no insurance policy to pay for the damages. Those who do have flood insurance sometimes do not understand all that such assurance entails.

What can you do with your coverage plan when tragedy strikes? Linda Dugan Insurance is here to help with four things that you can and cannot do with flood insurance.

1. You can purchase an indemnity plan even if you are a renter
It is a misconception that only homeowners are eligible for flood insurance. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as established by the federal government offers contents coverage that extends to renters as well.

2. You can purchase flood insurance even after a flood is predicted for the region
Assurance can be acquired anytime. You should, however, be advised that there is a 30-day waiting period that may interfere with your ability to claim certain goods should a storm come through the region and damage your property or valuables.

3. You cannot buy flood insurance today and be covered tomorrow
With the 30-day waiting period in place, you can only expect to purchase flood insurance today and be covered within the next month. You should also be advised that indemnity coverage does not apply for a loss in progress.

4. You cannot use traditional homeowners’ insurance as flood assurance
Homeowners’ insurance does not cover damages incurred by flooding. The only guaranteed source for flooding assurance is federal flood insurance as purchased through your insurance provider.

You do not want to be like others in Astoria, OR who may wake up tomorrow and find that all of their treasured possessions are lost due to flood damage for which they have no insurance policy to cover such devastation. Call Linda Dugan Insurance today to discuss the plan that fits your situation.

Why buy toy insurance in Astoria?

Astoria is a beautiful port city in Oregon set on the Columbia River near the Pacific Ocean. With its close proximity to water, it is only fitting for residents to have an urge to invest in boats that can take on the seas. You should definitely get the most out of living in Astoria by buying a small or large boat. You should not, however, purchase something so grand without also obtaining an indemnity plan that pays out in the instance of loss or damage. Linda Dugan Insurance can help you get the full coverage you desire.

Vessel Registration Requirement in Astoria, OR

The state of Oregon requires you to have certificate of title, an Oregon certificate of number, and validation deals to operate your boat. Exceptions to these requirements include vessels without a motor, sailboats that are less than 12-feet long, and ships certified by the United States Coast Guard.

About Toy Insurance in Astoria, OR

Toy insurance helps you fulfill the requirements for operating a vessel in the state of Oregon all while giving you peace of mind to know that you are covered in the case of an emergency. Motorized boats, because of their magnificence, are capable of doing extensive damage to you and others. Also, automatic vessels can destroy smaller boats, which can lead to significant financial heartache.

You place yourself at high risk of being sued and going into debt when you buy a boat in Astoria without purchasing an indemnity plan to go along with it. Linda Dugan Insurance can help you find a policy that best works for your budget and situation. Don’t go without protection. Call today for a consultation!