People living in Astoria, OR know that car insurance costs can vary widely across the region. People will often shop around to find the least expensive option for insuring their cars. How exactly does location impact car insurance costs? Dugan insurance has some important advice that readers can learn from below.
First, everyone knows that weather varies by location. Some parts of Oregon are close to the coast. While Oregon isn’t often hit by hurricanes, it is always a possibility. Car insurance companies know this and therefore will charge higher rates for insuring cars due to the added risk of damage from hurricanes. While living on the coast is nice, it can contribute to higher car insurance costs.
Next, some neighborhoods are safer than others. While people have numerous reasons for desiring a safe neighborhood to live in, this also impacts car insurance rates. Locations with high crime rates mean that there is a higher chance of having a car broken into or stolen. Therefore, choosing a safer neighborhood will keep car insurance premiums lower. Choose the neighborhood carefully.
Finally, some parts of town have more treacherous roads. Insurance companies track the accident rates across certain cities and streets. If a car will be driving the more dangerous roads regularly, there is a higher chance of the car being involved in the accident. To cover against these potential losses, a car insurance company will raise insurance rates in areas with more accident-prone roads. Keeping a car off of roads with higher accident rates will wind up in lower car insurance prices.
When it comes to shopping for car insurance in Astoria, OR, location matters just as much as it does in real estate. Crime rates, weather conditions, and accident rates all impact premiums for car insurance. Make sure to take these into consideration when deciding where to live or insure a car. Contact Dugan Insurance for an auto insurance quote today.