Essential facts about umbrella insurance

With an umbrella insurance cover from Astoria, OR, Linda Dugan Insurance, you get to protect you and your family from unexpected risks such as lawsuit charges or injuries caused to someone on your property. Once you visit our offices, our employees will be ready to listen and guide you in whatever thing you may need.
 We make sure you understand each and everything about our insurance options before you sign any contract with us. And as for the umbrella insurance option, below are some of the essential facts you will get to learn about.

How do you know if you need an umbrella insurance?
You need to conduct a risk assessment. What are the chances of you or your family members getting involved in a lawsuit? Or what is the probability of your friend or neighbor getting injured on your property?
Those are some of the questions you should ask yourself. For example, if you own a swimming pool or a vicious dog, the chances of someone getting injured on your property are high and you should, therefore, consider taking an umbrella cover.

What is covered by an umbrella insurance cover?
Some of the things covered umbrella insurance including but not limited to:
•    Boating and pool accidents
•    Accidents in your property
•    Wrongful eviction, defamation and libel lawsuits.
•    Critical car accidents
•    Lawsuit cost and legal fees required.
•    Injuries caused to someone by your dog
•    Expenses exceeding your auto and home insurance cover

You need to be very careful when getting this cover. Avoid taking a cover that is equal to your assets. Instead, get a cover that exceeds your assets because in most cases, we undervalue our belongings. Also, make sure you read all the terms and conditions which are usually in small print. With this in mind, you will be able to get the best out of umbrella insurance.

Linda Dugan Insurance which serves the people of Astoria, OR, is your caring insurance company. Our services are of high quality, and we are dedicated to giving you timely and reliable services. Contact us today or visit our offices for more information.

Health insurance coverage options with Astoria, OR, Linda Dugan Insurance

As the cost of living increases so does the cost of medical bills. You need to protect your family’s health by getting an insurance cover from a trusted company. With an insurance cover, you need not worry about the medical expenses when choosing a hospital for your loved one. All you will have to worry about is the choice of hospital.

At Astoria, OR, Linda Dugan Insurance, we are committed to giving you the best services. We understand that preferences and needs vary. For that reason, whenever you visit our offices, we always allocate you one of our well-trained employees to guide you through our coverage options so that you can make an informed decision.
Here is a glimpse of some of our health insurance coverage options

  •  Individual Health Cover

The individual medical cover is mostly designed for people who are unemployed or rather who don’t get health covers from their employers. Also, if you are self-employed, you stand to gain from this option as long as you meet the necessary requirements.

  •  Medicare Supplement Insurance

With a Medicare supplement cover from us, most of your medical expenses are covered. It covers even costs not covered by other health policies such as deductibles and copayments among more. Also, if you happen to travel out of USA, you still get health insurance from wherever you are.
Note, however: A Medicare cover does not cater for long term care costs.

  •  Supplemental Health Insurance

The supplemental cover helps cover unforeseen or unplanned costs related to health. For example, you may have to book a hotel or buy food and drinks as you wait for your loved one to get treated. Some of these costs may seem minimal or not worth insuring, but you can never be sure of what to expect.

With a health cover from Linda Dugan Insurance, you and your family are protected. Feel free to  Contact us today or visit our offices to get more information on the insurance options.


Discover the Protection of Life Insurance from Linda Dugan Insurance Serving Astoria, OR

Life insurance doesn’t have to be a scary topic. The professionals at Linda Dugan Insurance Agency can help you get the protection your family needs. In Astoria OR, families’ will need support if one or both spouses die unexpectedly. When you begin considering a life insurance policy, there are many questions that you need to consider. For instance, how will your family pay for your final expenses and any debts that you have? Would you like to set aside money for your child’s future education? Are there charities that you would like to contribute to? All of these considerations will play in your decision making process regarding the type of life insurance policy works best for your family and the amount of coverage that you need. Also, you need to remember that there will be estate taxes and inflation will impact your family.

There are several types of life insurance available. Term life insurance is designed to cover an individual for a specific period of time. The premiums can be cost effective and are often renewable. However, these policies don’t build a case value over time and can become more costly with each renewal. 

Whole Life Insurance policies cover an individual throughout their entire life. While the premiums will be higher than a term life policy, they will remain consistent as long as the policy is active. Whole life insurance policies also build cash value. This gives you monies that you can borrow against if you need to.

The team at Linda Dugan Insurance are ready to help with your insurance needs. Their work serving Astoria, OR has established their reputation as experts in the field. Protect your family today!

How Commercial Auto Insurance Can Help Save

Commercial auto insurance is a necessity for any employee or employer that requires regular driving for the job. This could be running errands, shuttling people, or dropping off deliveries. Often, employers will have commercial insurance already in place for their employees if there is a chance they can be driving for work. Aside from protection people and their belongings, commercial auto insurance is also able to save the policy holder some money each year on their taxes. 

For a business, there are many business expenses that can be deducted each year on taxes and commercial auto insurance happens to be one of them. The reason this is able to be deducted from your taxes is because the insurance policy is covering your business for any damages, liability, and losses that may be suffered as a result of an accident while driving for work. The premium that you pay for your commercial insurance is able to be deducted as long as you use the cost method when trying to determine auto expenses. If you take the standard mileage rate deduction on your taxes you will not be able to also deduct the premium for commercial insurance.

At Linda Dugan Insurance, we understand that for a business every dollar counts and we want to make sure you are protected. Proudly serving the residents of Astoria, OR, Linda Dugan Insurance can help find the right commercial auto insurance policy to fit your business and needs. The residents of Astoria OR can have peace of mind because they know their personal belongings and medical will be covered in the event of an auto accident while driving for work. Having commercial auto insurance help save business owners on taxes is even more of an incentive to purchase a commercial policy today. 

Downsizing Isn’t Always a Savings

Every family reaches a time when the moment to live in a smaller place, more personal and more comfortable, arrives. Whether that change is due to the kids growing up and leaving home, or it’s because health requirements are making it impossible or impractical to live in a larger home, downsizing happens. Some folks even downsize just to live in a new place they always wanted to, leveraging the investment of the previous home for a better location. Whatever the reason, home insurance is affecting accordingly when living conditions change. However, that doesn’t mean folks should give up on home financial protection altogether.

Clearly, a new home or smaller home is going to be a change, but a new policy could actually have a higher cost, not necessarily lower one. Some of the big reasons that trigger changes include the location, the cost of reconstruction, and the type of home involved. Location can be a big variance, with some locations having a real estate value more than double that of others. While that doesn’t necessarily directly impact home protection, it can influence the overall cost of home repair for that area. That in turn can be a policy cost more to address such expenses if they occur. Secondly, home construction in some areas can also cost more due to proximity to construction resources. More remote areas obviously will trigger more expenses from contractors. Finally, if a smaller replacement home is unique and not a standard construction, a common situation with retirees, then these additional changes or unique factors will also add to home insurance costs for coverage of replacement if it occurs. So, again, just moving to a smaller downsizing home for later years doesn’t mean one will automatically have a cheaper home insurance policy as a result.

The best way for folks in Astoria, OR to know what a downsizing event may look like cost-wise is to sit down with Linda Dugan Insurance. Their independent agents can scan the market and provide the best picture for alternatives before a homeowner makes changes, saving folks from uncomfortable surprises.

Oregon RV Insurance – What Type of Insurance Coverage is Needed?

When traveling for vacation and you’re out on the open road in your RV, you want to have peace of mind that should an accident or theft occur, you are covered.  Shopping around for RV insurance can seem like an overwhelming task but armed with a bit of knowledge, you can figure out what coverage is needed for your vehicle and traveling needs:

Collision Coverage:  One of the most important, collision coverage will cover any accidents that occur with another vehicle, no matter who is at fault.  Low branch collision is another collision coverage to add to the policy which provides insurance coverage for the AC unit, awnings, etc.

RV Liability Insurance:  Almost all states require liability insurance on an RV and Oregon is no different.  Coverage is needed for property damage that might be caused by you and bodily injury to another individual that might slip and fall while in your RV, for example.

RV Road Service or Roadside Assistance:  This will cover things such as a dead battery, running out of gas, towing and changing flat tires to name a few.  

Full-Timer Coverage:  If you live in your RV full-time, you’ll want to ensure that not on the RV is covered but all personal property inside is as well.  Asking about personal items replacement coverage is important when living full-time in an RV.

Linda Dugan Insurance, serving Astoria, has a knowledgeable team ready to help you get the best type of insurance you need for your RV so that when you’re out on the open-road, you’re on vacation.  Visit our website or call 503-440-3909 and a team member will answer any questions you might have and work with you to get the best coverage.


Astoria, Oregon: Do You Need to Insure Your Boat While Its In Storage?

Once your boat has been removed from the water and appropriate measures have been taken to winterize the boat while it is not in use, you should still consider purchasing a policy to protect it against theft, damage or vandalism while it is in storage. While the risk of damage may be minimal, if it does occur, it can result in several thousand dollars worth of damage. If you still have a loan on the boat from when it was first purchased, the policy will have to remain in place whether the boat is in the water or not.

Most facilities that offer boat storage are fenced in and have security cameras on the premises. That doesn’t stop people from gaining access, however. It also does not protect the boat from damage caused by the weather. Discuss what options you have available to you with your insurance agent. They will be able to advise you as to what type of policy is needed and how much insurance should be purchased to protect your overall investment.

In Astoria, Oregon, the residents can turn to the licensed agents at Linda Dugan Insurance if they have any questions pertaining to insuring their boat while it is in storage. The agents will help you determine what type of insurance you may need as well as how much should be purchased to sufficiently protect your financial investment. There are potential risks for damage, even if the boat is not on the water. Talking to your insurance agent will help you make the best decision towards protecting your assets.

How to Protect Your Company Vehicles

If your profession deals with transporting individuals or goods, your company vehicles can be the lifeline of your business. As such, it’s important to do what you can to preserve the quality of your fleet. This includes scheduling regular maintenance, providing driver training for employees and keeping your commercial auto insurance up to date. The following steps can help you better manage this important aspect of your business.

Maintenance and Repairs

Someone in your company should be responsible for vehicle upkeep and repairs. Having regular drivers makes it easier to keep tabs on the condition of your vehicles and schedule maintenance when there’s a need. It also helps to have a regular mechanic whom you can trust with vehicle repairs. Scheduled maintenance will lower the risk of accidents, extend the lifeline of your vehicles and reduce repair costs.

Hire Conscientious Drivers

Hiring good drivers is another way to keep company vehicles in good shape. New drivers should be screened before hiring to ensure they have good driving records free of accidents and violations. Your company can also sponsor driver training courses from time to time to reinforce safe driving habits. Companies that make driving safely a priority do their part to reduce the risk of accidents.

Establish Rules for Using Business Vehicles

Every business should have rules for use of their business vehicles. Such rules could include no texting, cell phone, alcohol or drug use while driving, mandatory use of seat belts, no aggressive driving, etc. Employees should also be encouraged to lock vehicles when parked in public areas to discourage theft.  

Partnering with the right insurance company in Oregon will give you great insurance coverage to protect your company vehicles. Call or visit us today at Linda Dugan Insurance to get the customized commercial auto coverage you need. 

Insurance is no Joke: Why Oregans Should get Insurance Today

There are a lot of different avenues a person must take in order to keep them and their loved ones safe. Unfortunately, a lot of Americans do not prioritize their insurance needs, or they may simply prioritize certain types of insurance but not others. What they often discover is that insurance is not a laughing matter; in fact, quite the opposite. When you are in a car accident, a health crisis, lose your home to a tornado, or find yourself leaving behind your loved ones, you do not want to be up a creek without a paddle. The five types of insurance that Linda Dugan Insurance has found are commonly expected to get include:

  1. Life insurance – Insurance that makes sure that your family is well taken care of following their death
  2. Health insurance – Insurance to protect you in the event that you need to get a check-up, get surgery, get medication, etc.
  3. Automobile insurance – Insurance to protect you incase of an accident, either one caused by yourself or caused by an "act of god."
  4. Long-term disability coverage – In the event of permanent/nigh-permanent disability, this insurance would make sure that you were able to support yourself financially and not burden others with your care.
  5. Homeowner’s Insurance – Insurance to protect you from liability for damages, including certain weather or seismic activities (check your homeowner’s insurance to make sure these are covered!). Being in the pacific Northwest, Oregan has grown relatively used to hurricane-force winds.

Some insurance – like automobile insurance – is mandated by Oregon law; if caught without automobile insurance while driving, you may find yourself facing fines, a suspended license, and/or a towing.

Residents of Astoria, Oregon and other cities can contact Linda Dugan Insurance, either by phone at (503) 440-3909 or online if they have any questions or concerns about their insurance needs.

Getting your boat ready for boating

It can be exciting to get a boat and get ready to take it out on the water and make memories with friends and family. However, when you get your boat ready for boating, there are a few things to think about before you get on the water. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to make sure that you have everything in place.

What kind of boat do you have?

Some of the regulations for boating are based on the size and speed of the boat you have. After all, it wouldn’t be safe or practical to take a big yacht on a small river. Be sure to research Oregon laws regarding what kinds of boats are permitted on public waters, and any limitations on boating. For example, you must be over 13 years old and pass a boater education course to drive a boat in Oregon.

Where can you use your boat?

There are lots of places to go boating in Oregon, but not all waters are public or allow boats. Be sure to check that boating is allowed before you take your boat to a body of water, and use the proper boating ramps once you arrive.

How do I keep myself and passengers safe?

In addition to driving the boat safely and keeping life jackets on board, you can keep yourself and your passengers safe with proper boating insurance. Speaking with a qualified insurance agent will help you find the best insurance options for your boat and needs.

For more information about protecting yourself and your boat with proper insurance, contact Linda Dugan Insurance today.