Who should buy toy insurance?

Recreational toys are fun to have but come with significant responsibilities. One of the most critical responsibilities is making sure that they’re adequately covered with a toy insurance policy in the event of an accident. However, not everybody in Astoria, OR needs toy insurance as toys mean different things to different people. However, at Linda Dugan Insurance, we define toy insurance as a policy divided into two categories–valuable and luxury collections and other pretty expensive toys like RVs, boats, motorcycles, and ATVs. If you own one or several of such items, you need toy insurance. So why do you need it? Read on to find out!

Protecting your assets

Your toy is an expensive asset that may cost lots of money to replace if not adequately covered. You want to make sure that you can still get a new one in case anything happens. A toy insurance policy provides you with peace of mind as the coverage protects your assets against fire, burglaries, loss, and other natural disasters.


Accidents happen everywhere in Astoria, OR, but that shouldn’t be a problem if you have the right toy insurance. Since the policy has many coverages, liability coverage should be your priority. Whether you have passengers or not, your toy may lead to unending lawsuits in the event of property damage or bodily injury. Remember, you’re supposed to be financially responsible, especially if you drive a luxury vehicle or motorcycle.


When buying toy insurance, make sure that the policy can replace parts or the entire item in case of a loss. You should buy the policy if you’re not ready to part with your toy due to accidents.

Linda Dugan Insurance is here to help

Toy insurance definitely has some clear advantages. The last thing you want is to use your savings to buy a new yacht when the current one is totaled.  For all your toy insurance needs, feel free to contact our insurance agents, and they will be happy to help.

Do I Need Insurance on a Boat Trailer?

While owning a trailer boat in Astoria, OR, is a thrilling experience, getting the right insurance cover can be a hilly task. Most people do not see the essence of purchasing boat trailer insurance, thinking that it is unnecessary with regular insurance in place. However, that is a mistake to avoid at all costs. The standard insurance policies do not compensate you if your trailer gets stolen. Linda Dugan Insurance has become the leading institution, offering the residents advice on the best boat policy options. Such a scenario will force you to dig deeper into your pocket or savings, which can be avoided by purchasing boat trailer insurance.

How Far Does Boat Insurance Go in Covering My Trailer?

A regular insurance cover will only protect your trailer up to a particular stage. That said, never be entirely comfortable sailing without boat trailer insurance coverage. Find out the limit of your auto insurance policy concerning your boat trailer to avoid making mistakes. Auto insurance covers trailers, but not in all scenarios. Without a proper understanding of the terms, there are high chances of making wrong decisions.

What Does My Boat Trailer Police Cover?

Your trailer boat insurance policy will cover you from liabilities and physical destruction. Liability coverage compensates you for the injuries caused by your boat trailer and any property destruction that it may cause. It takes care of your medical bills and the fee needed to pursue legal justice. With physical damage, the policy overs the vessel from destruction triggered by fire, vandalism, collision, to mention a few. In addition, the insurance covers your trailer from theft.

The insurance coverage you choose covers your vessel from physical damage when off show and in the water. It is advisable to purchase boat trailer insurance for ultimate protection. The option is superior compared to the standard policy.

Contact Linda Dugan Insurance today for a decent insurance policy to secure your trailer boat in Astoria, OR.